Life Update


A lot has happened since the last time I wrote a blog post. Both in the world and in my personal life!

We went through a pandemic, which affected everyone in the world a different way. It's pretty crazy to think that we were all experiencing this terrifying situation at the same time.

I, like many other stories we've read about during the pandemic, started dating someone right before it happened and therefore ended up spending a lot more time with him that I probably would have under other circumstances.

Ryan and I have been friends for years. Our friendship started as a trainer/client relationship (he was also my boss at the substance abuse treatment center where I work, so lotsss of cliches there). A few months before the pandemic, we realized our feelings for each other had evolved into more than just platonic feelings. In a nutshell, we started dating, and then a few months later went into lockdown.

Fast forward through lots of time spent together at home with his five year old son (who I am now proud to call my step son), lots of lessons learned on effective communication (and also how NOT to communicate with each other), movie nights, outdoor workouts, date nights in, long walks and lots of laughter.

We got engaged sitting on a rock during one of my favorite hikes, found out we were pregnant, got married in Vegas, and now I'm less than two months away from having a baby!

Life is so unexpected sometimes and so insanely beautiful. I can't wait to start sharing more prenatal workouts and recipes with you all.

Welcome back!