Spinach Broccoli Green Curry Soup
Spinach Broccoli Green Curry Soup
I frequent this restaurant in West Hollywood called Zinque - it's perfect for a girl date. The food is great, wine selection is on point and they have an adorable patio. I usually suggest it to my friends when we go out because I'm obsessed with their Spinach Broccoli Green Curry Soup. I don't usually order soup when I go out to dinner. If I go to the trouble to plan out an outfit, blow dry my hair and add makeup, I want to chew at my meal. So soup is not my first choice.
However, this is the exception. The soup is creamy (but not too thick), flavorful (but not too salty) and has a little kick to it because of the curry. It's divine. There is one small problem: they are frequently out of the soup. I guess I'm not the only one who thinks it's delicious and the perfect medley of flavors.
I attempted a version of the soup that can easily be made at home and it's delicious! Try it out and let me know what you think! Also - if you're in LA, go to Zinque. You won't regret it:)
Broccoli Spinach Green Curry Soup
5 oz package of spinach
2 heads broccoli chopped
1 onion chopped
3 tbs olive oil
6 oz coconut milk
3/4 c low sodium veggie broth
3 tbs green curry paste
Sautee onion in olive oil until transparent. Add broccoli, coconut milk, green curry paste and veggie broth and cover. Cook until broccoli is soft. Add spinach and cook until the leaves wilt.
Remove from stove and put entire mixture into Vitamix and blend. If it's a little too thick for your taste, add a little veggie broth and mix again. Enjoy!