One Month as a Mama

The past month has been nothing short of magical. I’m completely exhausted, but also feel like I’m totally in my element. I feel more like myself physically and mentally every day. Although I still have a ways to go, I’m taking it slowly and credit my recovery to The Baby Body prenatal exercise program I created and followed throughout my entire pregnancy. I’ve started doing a few stretches and pelvic floor/breathing exercises whenever I can squeeze them in (which might be 10 minutes twice/week right now), and I’ve been walking as much as possible. I started loving going for long walks when I was pregnant, and ever since I swear by walking for low impact cardio, but also for the mental aspect. Getting outside is so rejuvenating for me, especially now that I’m usually pretty tired.

My belly is no longer swollen, but still very soft (which I kind of like because it’s a reminder of Roca being inside and connected to me). Going on walks has become a treat and my low impact cardio. Sleep is few and far between. Everyone tells you to nap when your baby does, but this advice is difficult to follow. There are a million things to get done when he’s asleep. Tomorrow I will try to nap (I say this every single day). 

I imagined that I would be crawling out of my skin wanting to get back in the gym and workout. But honestly I haven’t felt the need yet. Although stretching and my quick breathing/pelvic floor sessions have felt amazing, I’m more into soaking up every sweet moment with Roca. All the post feeding cuddles, tummy time and skin to skin I can get right now is what I’m craving. 

What I’m eating:

  • oatmeal every morning. Check out my lactation oats recipe here. It’s perfect for breastfeeding Mamas or for energy pre/post workout

  • sandwiches and wraps. I’ve never been a big sandwich person, but since I’ve been breastfeeding, I’m ravenous all the time. I find that it helps keep me fuller longer. Plus, I’m trying to avoid dairy, gassy veggies (like Brussels, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.), so sandwiches are usually a safe bet.

  • Honey Mama’s chocolate. EVERY SINGLE DAY. If you haven’t tried this, get on it. It’s vegan, made with no refined sugars, gluten, dairy or eggs. And the flavors are insane.

  • graham crackers (specifically the Trader Joe’s brand - in my opinion they’re the best) with peanut butter and sometimes topped w Honey Mamas. Can’t beat it.

  • lots of Mother’s Milk tea throughout the day to keep my milk supply up.

  • Coconut Cult (i love the chocolate mousse when i have a sweet tooth. One spoonful does the trick) and Cocoyo probiotic yogurts (I get the Pure, non flavored one).

  • nectarines and berries

What I’m doing for exercise:

  • walking as much as possible. When you’re taking care of a newborn/infant, there are a lot of hours spent inside. I’m trying to make it a point to take the baby and Goose out for long walks at least once/day. I’ve also made little dates with friends to meet up and go for walks. In my opinion one of the best ways to get in cardio.

  • quick 10-15 minute breathing, pelvic floor and stretch work. See my IG post for more details on this.

  • once I’m cleared to exercise by my doctor, I’ll start including more strength training. For now, sleep is the priority!