How to Prevent/Heal Diastasis Recti

Diastasis Recti is a separation of the rectus abdominal muscles (otherwise known as the six pack muscles). This separation occurs when the belly grows, stretching the connective tissue called the linea alba that runs in between the six pack muscles.

It’s important to understand is that our rectus abdominals have always been separated. They’ve never touched because of the connective tissue in between. However, during pregnancy as the belly grows, more separation occurs. The good news? Most ab separation will go back to “normal” postpartum since the linea alba is made to stretch and return to its normal shape.

Why Exactly Does DR Occur?

The way we move through every day life and during exercise can effect the linea alba (connective tissue). When we sit up in bed, pick up something heavy or do a specific core exercise, we are creating intra -abdominal pressure (pressure within the abdominal wall). If we don’t correctly engage the core when doing these movements, this pressure can effect the linea alba, causing a more intense separation. On the other hand, by understanding how to cultivate a mind-body connection, use specific breathing techniques and properly engage the core, these every day movements will have little to no impact on the connective tissue, leaving us with less severe ab separation that’s much easier to heal PP.

Using a combination of breath work, mind-body connection and specific, intentional core exercises, you can work to prevent intense diastasis recti and heal DR postpartum.

Although ideally we work on core control pre pregnancy and during pregnancy, DR can be healed at any stage postpartum. Ab separation and doming/coning of the core is not an absolute PP.

Here’s what we do in The Baby Body Pre/Postnatal Program to prevent intense DR during pregnancy and heal ab separation postpartum:

  • cultivate a mind-body connection with the core and pelvic floor

  • understand TBB Belly Breathing technique and use it every day to maintain proper core engagement

  • perform specific core exercises that focus on decreasing improper intra-abdominal pressure and increasing core and PF engagement

  • 6 week postpartum rehab

Something we like to focus on is that our bodies have been carrying babies forever and are made to do this. Remember that your linea alba is pliable and made to stretch and return to its normal shape. Regardless of where you are in your motherhood journey, The Baby Body program can help strengthen your core and prevent/heal DR.