4 Stretches for Better Posture

Breastfeeding has been one of my favorite things about being Roca’s mom. It’s been a great opportunity for connection and I love when I’m feeding him and he looks up at me with admiration or puts his little hand on my chest . I initially created this routine for breastfeeding moms, but as I thought about it I realized it applies to everyone. We constantly find ourselves in a hunched over position with rounded shoulders and a tight chest from being on the computer, driving, picking up kids or feeding a baby. These stretches are meant to help open the chest and shoulders and provide mobility in the back. One thing to remember is to relax your trapezius muscles - in other words, visualize relaxing your shoulders away from your ears ALWAYS. People in general tend to hold tension in this area, and it wreaks all kinds of havoc on your neck, shoulders and upper back (speaking from experience ). I’m constantly reminding myself as I’m feeding, holding, or rocking to sleep - “relax your shoulders away from your ears, draw your shoulder blades down your back”. I swear it will help. 

Sneak this circuit in a couple times/day as many days of the week as you can. 

  1. Supine snow angel: lay on your back and press your lower back into the mat to engage your core. Tuck your chin to elongate your neck. Place the back of your arms and your palms on the mat and pretend you’re making a snow angel.

  2. Table top thoracic spine twist: Start in table top position. Place one hand behind your head and bring that elbow to touch the other elbow. Then twist, open and gaze towards the sky.

  3. Spinal wave: Start on all 4’s and perform cat/cow but initiate movement from the tailbone and move all the way up to the neck and shoulders one vertebrae at a time.

  4. Seated cat cow w/ chest opener: Find a comfortable seated position with your hands behind your head. As you exhale, curve and round your spine and bring your elbows together and your chin to your chest. As you inhale, open your elbows wide, gaze up at the sky and arch your back.