That Sneaky Little "M" Word

That Sneaky Little “M” Word

Motivation. Such a sneaky little word. One of the most frequent questions I get asked is “How do you always stay so motivated to workout and eat healthy??”

I find this question to be so funny because who says I’m ALWAYS motivated? Just because I’m in the fitness industry doesn’t mean I’m some special breed of human. I have days when I’m not motivated. Days when I’ve been in the gym with clients for hours and the LAST THING I want to do is train. Days when I would much rather sleep an extra hour instead of get up and go for a morning run. 

But ultimately I know what my goals are. I know how much better I feel when I move my body versus when I don’t. I know that I feel more energized, confident and strong when I eat whole, nutrient dense foods that fuel my day instead of processed junk and sugar. 

And when I’m lacking motivation (because, let’s face it, it’s a temporary thing), I rely on discipline to get me through. I’ve found that entering my “zombie mode” helps me get the job done. Instead of wasting time thinking about my lack of motivation, I pop my headphones in, turn on some Beyonce, and start warming up. 5-10 minutes in I’m pumped and excited about my workout. And I ALWAYS feel better after a good sweat session. I guarantee you will too. 

Looking for some guidance for your fitness goals? Check out my 12 Week Guide here!